Awaken with Movies | Mavka: The Forest Song

Movies carry puzzle pieces for your spiritual awakening

STELLA YANN | Lightworker
5 min readJan 19, 2024
Watch the full video on YouTube

For the second movie of the AWAKEN WITH MOVIES series, I’ve chosen ‘Mavka: The Forest Song’ — a fabulous animation that brings a lot of magic, spiritual symbolism and messages, and plenty of tropes worth exploring!

To quote Walt Disney:

“Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive. This facility makes it the most versatile and explicit means of communication yet devised for quick mass appreciation.”

Join me and Mavka on the awakening journey where we get to uncover 7 more life lessons! 👋🏻

Lesson 1: Protect Nature

Just like the first lesson in Dora and the Lost City of Gold, the first lesson from Mavka is to befriend and PROTECT Nature.

We are not just here to borrow inspiration from all the living creatures around us and recharge our energy in the forests of the world, but to protect each other.

We are the protectors of Nature, of Mother Gaia and it’s time to wake up to the role we’re meant to play in our own lives & communities.

Lesson 2: Embrace Divinity

There’s a Divine Higher Self that you can connect to, so that you can rise above your 3D circumstances and ground more of your higher calling on Earth.

Yes, you have a mission to complete – call it your soul purpose!

But did you know that you have access to potential that’s LIMITLESS at all times?

Do you know that you have a range of psychic gifts and Spiritual Guides that you can rely on to make the most of your Earthly journey?

The more you awaken to who you really are, the more you’ll unlock a Brand New World for you to experience with others that are moving on the same ascension journey.

Lesson 3: Explore Your Anger

The concept of the Divine Rage has been explored in many movies, you might remember it beautifully depicted in Moana?

Watch the full video on YouTube

We tend to experience ANGER more consciously in our teenage years, so the more you dive into exploring your anger as part of doing the Shadow Work, you will dive right into your Inner Teen healing.

Anger shows up to guide us where we have allowed other people to cross our boundaries and disrespect us beyond what’s acceptable.

Believe it or not, embracing our anger can help us heal.

When we allow the previous version of our identity die, we can truly be reborn as the most Authentic Self that can fully align with and complete our soul purpose.

Yes, that is the process of activating your Phoenix Spirit and experiencing the Spiritual Rebirth!

Lesson 4: Close the Cycles

We’re all here to close the cycles that our parents and grandparents couldn’t — and, yes, they have closed cycles that we will never have to face, whether we realise it or not.

Life’s constantly changing. It can change for the better or for the worse.

You have a role to play…

You can help bring positive change or you can contribute to the problems.

Set the intention to bring positive change and the whole Universe will help you close the cycles — because, yes, some of them will be triggering and challenging, but remember that YOU HAVE THE POWER to overcome anything.

Lesson 5: Choose Love

Whatever happens in life — rejection, abandonment, betrayals, confusion, doubt, fear, challenges — choose love!

This is one of the most crucial lessons when it comes to your SPIRITUAL AWAKENING journey, so that you can continue to level up and rise to your full potential during your lifetime.

When I was preparing the slides, I received this sentence:

“Earth will be inherited by those with pure intentions.”

Make no mistake: every time you choose love, you make the world a better place and you set a different example for those who never had a role model to learn from. Keep choosing love — daily!

Watch the full video on YouTube

Lesson 6: Inspire Change

The more you choose love, the more you will embody the LEADER who leads with love.

Be the change you wish to see in the world — lead by example.

Inspire change by first believing in it and then give life to your ideas. Turn them into:

  • products
  • services
  • businesses
  • projects
  • podcasts
  • webinars
  • events

You are the Positive Change Maker that you’re waiting for: embody the energy of the person who can bring positive change and you will achieve it (with the help of the Universe).

Lesson 7: Empower People

Give people a chance and they might surprise you…

Most people become corrupted because no one gave them a chance.

Sure, not everyone is trustworthy, but don’t place ALL PEOPLE under the same label of “untrustworthy”.

Instead empower people to be and do better by believing in them, by trusting them to be kinder and more empathetic, by showing them the way to belonging to a community that they have never experienced.

Start your own community!

How many of the life lessons have you learned?

Did you find any other lessons from MAVKA: THE FOREST SONG?

Follow my YouTube channel for weekly videos around spirituality, how to handle your spiritual awakening with more grace and more tips that you can apply on your self-growth journey.

Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth.

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STELLA YANN | Lightworker

NO ONE KNOWS ME: Inner Child Book ( Join me for Authenticity, Purpose, Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, Leadership, New Earth 🌍✨