How to Complete Your Hero’s Journey

There’s no formula out there, look within!

STELLA YANN | Lightworker
3 min readOct 26, 2023

Here’s what happens when you take the first step into your Hero’s Journey…

Your life will never be the same again 🤩

The Hero’s Journey is a journey of self-discovery where you get to reclaim all the pieces of your true authentic identity lost in the process of living, so that you can shift the tone of your life’s story and embody the “main character” energy.

In the words of Spiritual Business Coach Andrea Winn:

“The place to start is to recognise that you’re entering into your personal Hero’s Journey, so that means there is no formula out there. You’re going on a voyage!”

Here are 10 things that happen when you begin your Hero’s Journey:

  1. You disconnect from people who are no longer aligned with your mindset of continuous growth and expansion.
  2. You take the time to understand why you are still performing habits that are “suppressing” your potential and then dive deep into your subconscious mind to “update” your belief system!
  3. You adopt a beginner’s mindset and begin to learn, grow, experiment and test new solutions.
  4. You develop a healthier connection with your Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.
  5. You reconnect with your Higher Self and people who are aligned with your soul purpose — yes, I’m talking about your soul tribe!
  6. You begin to follow the signs and get more skilled at interpreting what they mean. Yes, they are all puzzle pieces to help you see the big picture.
  7. You meet your mentor or group of mentors. Remember that the teacher arrives when the student is ready!
  8. You rediscover your WHY — what it is that lights up your Soul, which is the key to unlocking your soul purpose and what you’re here to accomplish.
  9. You ground your energy into the present moment more frequently, which is how you begin to manifest more of your “dream life”. When you’re no longer seeking for answers in the past or envisioning the worst case scenarios for the future (due to your wounded inner child), you start to operate from a frequency of abundance and gratitude!
  10. You heal the parts of yourself that you didn’t even know were wounded or hurting and restore your inner balance — the yin/yang balance between the masculine and feminine energy that make you feel “whole again”.

Spirituality opens the door to your Hero’s Journey, but it’s entirely up to to believe in yourself, trust the process and keep taking steps forward towards aligning with your soul purpose.

Everyone’s got a soul purpose. It’s how you are meant to create positive change in society by being you most authentic self!

🎬 Watch the full conversation with Andrea

🎧 Listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

What’s the most unexpected thing you discovered on your Hero’s Journey?

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STELLA YANN | Lightworker
STELLA YANN | Lightworker

Written by STELLA YANN | Lightworker

NO ONE KNOWS ME: Inner Child Book ( Join me for Authenticity, Purpose, Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, Leadership, New Earth 🌍✨

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