Calm Your Nervous System With a Single Positive Affirmation

Grounding is much simpler than you think

STELLA YANN | Lightworker
2 min readJul 4, 2023
Image: Author

Many people spend a lot of money to get out of survival mode (fight or flight mode) and live a peaceful life — and they still cannot achieve it.

It’s simpler than you think.

The problem is you think too much, or that you think all the wrong things, or that you are constantly looking to anchor yourself to a particular thought, so that you’re not suspended in the unknown for too long.

Here’s the thing: you don’t know everything and YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO KNOW EVERYTHING. Make peace with it!

In the meantime, there’s a simple sentence you can use to calm your nervous system almost instantly.

When emotions get overwhelming and thoughts are racing, then anxiety creeps in and wants to pull you into another dark episode of depression, remember these 3 words:

“I am safe.”

That’s all.

Sometimes your mind, body, heart and soul need a reminder that there are no immediate dangers, so that they can relax and come back to the present moment.

Don’t let your reptilian brain trick you that you gotta stay on guard 24/7.

Yes, there are probably many dangers out in the world, but are they attacking you at this very moment? No.

So allow yourself to stay in a state of calm without guilt, shame or fear.

It’s OK to enjoy the present moment. It’s, in fact, the only acceptable way to go through life if you really think about it!

Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth.

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STELLA YANN | Lightworker
STELLA YANN | Lightworker

Written by STELLA YANN | Lightworker

NO ONE KNOWS ME: Inner Child Book ( Join me for Authenticity, Purpose, Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, Leadership, New Earth 🌍✨

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