8+ Psychic Abilities & Spiritual Gifts AND How to Use Them

Ready to unlock your power?

STELLA YANN | Lightworker
7 min readFeb 8, 2024
Watch the video on YouTube

Are you on your spiritual awakening? You might have started unlocking some of your psychic abilities and spiritual gifts!

This is an exciting time that can be quite confusing and overwhelming as well…

In this blog post (and video), I will talk about 8 types of psychic abilities, how they can manifest into your life and how to use them:

  • Clairaudience: I hear
  • Clairvoyance: I see
  • Claircognizance: I know
  • Clairsentience: I feel
  • Clairgustance: I taste
  • Clairalience: I smell
  • Starseed: I create
  • Chosen Ones: I accomplish

You are a Multidimensional Being or a Spiritual Being having a human experience. You have power, intuition and abilities that are beyond your imagination — ready to unlock more of your limitless potential?

Great, join me on this spiritual journey to discovering your gifts!

If you want to learn more about your soul purpose + life path, and become a Lightworker in your own community, let’s work together

1. Clairaudience (“I hear”)

Clairaudience is the ability to receive guidance through songs, tapping into conversations or hearing what others miss during everyday conversations, channeling intuitive messages, hearing random words or phrases.

You are asked to help people who are unable to find the right words to express their feelings and assist them in working through their emotional depth.

You will understand what kind of help or assistance people need based on the songs that play when you think of them — sometimes a song will appear before you know who it relates to.

Sometimes this guidance is for you from your Spirit Team or your Higher Self because you’re experiencing a blockage in your own healing / growth journey.

Here’s what clairaudience can look like in real life:

  • Hearing songs or random words / phrases
  • Telepathy
  • Receiving intuitive guidance
  • Communication with animals or plants
  • Remote listening
  • Channeling messages
  • Tarot reader path
  • Having psychic conversations with departed Souls
  • Receiving messages from Ancestors
  • Receiving guidance from Ancient Beings (e.g. Dragons, Angels) and becoming a Messenger of ancient wisdom & ancient power

2. Clairvoyance (“I see”)

Clairvoyance is the ability to see images, receive the vision for your future, have ideas how to better situations or create brand new products, experience whole visual scenes or “mini movies” in your mind.

You are asked to ground solutions from Source and help people see a different way of doing things. Your path is that of creativity and idea generation!

You have access to the infinite intelligence and this makes you into a Divine Messenger, master manifestor and excellent storyteller because your inner world is full of images and solutions all the time.

You will be guided to “gift” people with your ideas & part of their vision if they are willing to do the work, since you are a Messenger of Source.

Here’s what clairvoyance can look like in real life:

  • Seeing a vision of your future (or multiple future timelines)
  • Receiving ideas
  • Remote viewing in your dreams (involuntary)
  • Remote viewing through training
  • Channeling art (access to parallel or future timelines — also known as “pre-screening” or “The Simpsons effect”)
  • Parallel timeline “communication” or visualisation (timeline jumping)

3. Claircognizance (“I know”)

Claircognizance is the ability to unlock your inner knowing or inner wisdom by doing more of the inner work to “remember” your purpose. Every now and then, this will be activated in divine timing when you’re ready to experience your psychic abilities and begin to use your spiritual gifts.

You have the gift of “inner knowing”. That can appear in many forms, from prophetic dreams and channeled messages to flashbacks of memories (that aren’t yours).

You will be shown the BEST and the WORST of timelines, so that you can assist people in bettering their circumstances. Your mission is not an easy one, but you’re strong enough to accomplish your purpose.

You are protected and guided every step of the journey and you are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than you realise. Your gifts will likely increase and double over time!

Here’s what claircognizance can look like in real life:

  • Strong deja-vu sensations
  • Past life memories
  • Intuitive knowing
  • Prophetic abilities
  • Shaman or Oracle path
  • Instant channeling
  • Past life recognition (Twin Flame journey or Soul Ties)
  • Trigger-based recognition as part of your Higher Self integration
  • Christ Consciousness (Consciousness 2.0)

4. Clairsentience (“I feel”)

Clairsentience is the ability to use your emotions to read, affect and heal the environment around you. You have extraordinary empathy and can alchemise heavy emotions into Light thanks to your emotional depth.

You can sense the emotions of others and you’re also able to shift the energy in every room you walk into with your own emotional intelligence.

Your emotions are your Inner Compass that guide you through your intuition and connect you to your North Star — your mission. Throughout your lifetime you will continue to unlock more gifts in a series of initiations.

Emotional intelligence and opening your heart is the true portal to enlightenment and connecting to our Elemental powers — becoming One with the Universe!

Here’s what clairsentience can look like in real life:

  • Energy healing (e.g. reiki)
  • Alchemy
  • Inner Child activation
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Intuitive guidance
  • Communication with the Elements on an intuitive level
  • Strong Mediator abilities
  • Ability to bring balance to other people’s gifts and inner world
  • Ability to feel the intentions of other beings and extract info via high EQ

5. Clairgustance (“I taste”)

Clairgustance is the ability to recognise taste, remember recipes and recall information through your sense of tasting. This can be useful when having to break down ingredients, find the missing ingredients, creating your own recipes and even avoiding dangerous situations based on your intuitive guidance (e.g. avoiding poison).

6. Clairalience (“I smell”)

Clairalience is the ability to receive intuitive guidance through your sense of smell — remembering smells, being reminded of someone through their scent, following memories or unfolding instructions based on how the ingredients smell.

Once again, this is a psychic ability that allows you to connect the invisible dots and to avoid danger by receiving warning guidance based on smells!

7. Starseed (“I create”)

The Starseed blueprint is more than a psychic ability or a spiritual gift: it’s a whole origin story!

Starseeds on Earth are rare and they have extraordinary abilities that surpass the human ability to comprehend how they’re actually able to accomplish all that they do…

You can create solutions and formations that are out of this world because they are — you are here to innovate and channel ideas that have never been seen or heard of!

Here’s the tricky part: Your abilities are likely “locked” under layers of trauma. The more you heal your childhood experiences, the more you’ll bring balance to your inner world and lead the wave of positive change for whole communities.

You have EXTRAORDINARY potential and you’re 100% here to lead.

Make no mistake, you’ll be misunderstood, but your example will inspire millions of people!

Here’s what Starseed energy looks like in real life:

  • The ability to create new timelines and ground new psychic gifts
  • The ability to blend elemental powers
  • Time travel and the ability to rewrite history (remember that we’re spiritual beings having a human experience and all is energy — consciousness — as part of the quantum realm)
  • Innovation “ahead of your time”
  • Misunderstood Inventor from a young age
  • Saving the world through authenticity and creativity
  • Solution-oriented living
  • Curiosity as a superpower
  • Feeling like a “glitch” in the system
  • Made to feel like the problem for having LIMITLESS potential

8. Chosen One (“I accomplish”)

To be a Chosen One is to be on a special, Divine mission that you cannot avoid when the time comes for you to step into your role!

You are here to accomplish the impossible, because you have been “appointed” by the Divine and therefore you have special access to spiritual shortcuts and gifts.

Much like the STARSEED blueprint, you have access to seemingly limitless potential and psychic abilities during your lifetime — but everything is perfectly calculated and given to you, so that you can accomplish your mission that often has to do with defeating the Darkness (or the Villain in your community).

Every ability that you unlock is divinely gifted and cannot be taken away from you. You will likely continue to unlock new abilities until you accomplish what you came here to do and empower others in the process.

You will face many attacks on your journey and many players will be “activated” against you, but you will always have people rooting for you who believe in you: ultimately the task can only be achieved by YOU.

Here’s what being a Chosen One can look like in real life:

  • You’re a cycle breaker
  • You are constantly facing resistance and Monitoring spirits
  • You haven’t experienced many “real” friendships
  • You can open and close portals
  • Your presence activates others and their own abilities
  • You are here to ground puzzle pieces and communicate the Big Picture as the leader who has the ability to understand its meaning
  • You are here to do the impossible to uproot the “root of Evil”
  • You have a humble Spirit
  • You have had to overcome and transmute a lot of pain and anger
  • You are here to defend and protect others, not to hurt or manipulate them
  • You can handle A LOT of power without getting corrupted
  • You have felt DIFFERENT your whole life
  • You are selected to be a Messenger of Change due to your pure heart

💬 What’s your gift?

What psychic abilities or spiritual gifts have you unlocked? Have you figured how they’re connected to your purpose on Earth? I’d love to hear about spiritual journey – leave a comment!

Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth.

Go to www.stellayann.com



STELLA YANN | Lightworker
STELLA YANN | Lightworker

Written by STELLA YANN | Lightworker

NO ONE KNOWS ME: Inner Child Book (www.stellayann.com/noonebook) Join me for Authenticity, Purpose, Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, Leadership, New Earth 🌍✨

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