33 Healing Quotes from NO ONE KNOWS ME
Ready to meet your Inner Child? I got the book!
When I wrote NO ONE KNOWS ME, I knew it was a book that contained a healing blueprint for those who are ready to experience more of life.
Whether you wish to meet your Inner Child or reconnect with your Higher Self, this book will help you alchemise more of your pain into purpose and live a more authentic life.
While the Inner Child Edition follows the 12 core chapters that introduce some of the biggest and most difficult emotions (e.g. Shame, Guilt, Fear, Anger or Grief), the Dragon Edition features 12 additional quests that you complete as you meet your Dragon Guides among other celestial beings.
It’s the Hero’s Journey, reimagined and designed for you — the reader, guided and channeled by me — the storyteller of this Inner Child book.
Wherever you are on your journey, here are 33 quotes to help you heal.
1. Authenticity
“In a world that celebrates your ability to fit in, every time you stand out from the crowd with your true self and your authentic way of thinking, you’re bound to be shamed for being different.”
2. Shame
“The shame of being yourself is really the shame of being different.”
3. Future Self
“When you choose to act like a version of yourself you’ve already outgrown, you are abandoning your future self that holds the blueprint to your true success in life.”
4. Inner Child
“Every year you remain in the toxic cycles of mind games and heartache, the armour you wear to protect your Inner Child gets heavier and more difficult to take off since now it’s almost inseparable from your identity.”
5. Forgiveness
“The moment you forgive yourself for not knowing better and accept yourself as a person who is on a path of continuous evolution, no one will ever be able to get under your skin and attack your character from within.”
6. Free Will
“Nothing reminds you of your free will quite like someone crossing your boundaries and going against you without any provocation.”
7. Endings
“There are big energetic shifts that happen in the spiritual world that go beyond our understanding and every time a connection ends in the physical world, it sets a chain of events in motion that will help everyone involved continue their personal evolution.”
8. Becoming the Villain
“There’s great wisdom in understanding that sometimes you have to be the villain in someone else’s story in order to accomplish your purpose on Earth — there’s nothing more dangerous to your health than going against your own intuition.”
9. The Phoenix Spirit
“In order to generate enough Light to trigger a spark in the system and change it, you have to be willing to burn down in the name of the cause you’re fueling with your bright Spirit — this is the Phoenix Spirit in action.”
10. Getting Lost
“When you get lost in life, you’re usually the last person to figure it out.”
11. Manifesting
“Manifesting is about channelling your potential in a way that allows you to make your inner child’s dreams come true as you plug into the natural matrix on Earth and contribute to the wellbeing of all of humanity.”
12. The Ego
“Your Ego is very skilled at using emotional resources to keep you tied to versions of yourself that are not healthy for your evolution — versions that are attached to the pain and the trauma and the narratives built around conditional beliefs that rob you of your power to be a limitless Creator on Earth.”
13. Higher Calling
“The Divine tests all of us while we are on Earth to determine if we have the right heart posture to handle a bigger calling.”
14. The Inner Work
“You cannot do the inner work on behalf of someone else. You can only do the inner work for yourself. Any attempts to heal, teach or grow someone else will be futile; unless they are your child, in which case you are to guide them as part of your mission on Earth.”
15. External Validation
“The more you give up on yourself, the more you will seek validation from others and the more you will suffer because of it.”
16. Emotional Manipulation
“Emotional manipulation is intentional. It’s personal. You are personally chosen to be the target of manipulation, yet you’re not special to the manipulator whose only purpose is to feel superior to you.”
17. Manipulators
“The people who manipulate others on an emotional level are simply lost Souls who have not figured out who they are and when they see someone who’s certain about their identity, they feel personally attacked because you are serving as a BIG FAT MIRROR to all of their questions, doubts, fears and insecurities.”
18. Childhood
“Children should be able to enjoy their childhood years without having to worry about the reactions of their parents or teachers simply because they are not capable of speaking the same Soul language.”
19. The Universal Laws
“Here’s a rule for the general public, regardless of their age: one can never erase or rise above the Laws of the Universe, whether they remember them or not. The Laws of the Universe govern anything in existence on Earth and beyond.”
20. Unconditional Love
“A love that doesn’t seek to change you but tries to celebrate you in all of your ups and downs: true unconditional love.”
21. Trauma Bonds
“To love someone as yourself and to love someone as the shadow of yourself are two completely different things.”
22. Helping Humanity
“The pain of losing people is far more bearable than the pain of losing yourself and that’s a lesson worth learning at an early age if you’re ready to dedicate your life to helping others and humanity.”
23. The Ultimate Defeat
“The only way people can defeat you is to distract you and get you to give up on your calling using your own free will.”
24. The Chosen Ones
“Being chosen by the Universe is not for the weak ones. You are tested, you are judged, you are mishandled, you are redirected, you are used as the bait for people to reveal their true character, you are a pawn in the hands of the Divine as they are proclaiming you to be one of their Masters on Earth.”
25. Love / Fear
“Love is how we ascend above the level of fear. Love is the answer to many of life’s problems if we’re serious about finding a universal cure to the ongoing conflicts on Earth.”
26. Limiting Beliefs
“When so much of our early onboarding on Earth has taught us to pretend to be someone else in order to receive love, our wiring for belonging will occasionally trick us into believing that we might lose the people we love the most if we don’t curate our behaviour to match their exact requirements.”
27. Winners / Losers
“Some people might be born to be leaders, teachers or artists, but the world by design is not divided into winners and losers.”
28. Higher Self
“Don’t let your whole life be defined by a single defeat or a series of failures, because the power of your Higher Self is greater than words could ever describe it.”
29. Saying “NO”
“Saying “No” is not impolite. It’s an expression of honesty when you lack the capacity to support someone.”
30. Asking For More
“The courage to ask for more comes with an avalanche of losses, goodbyes and destruction. But that avalanche also makes way for new opportunities and connections to arrive.”
31. Courage
“We build our courage through action. The more we challenge ourselves and accept opportunities for growth, the braver we become.”
32. Self-Love
“Loving people is a risk you must take in order to experience what it means to be human. But first, you must be courageous enough to fall in love with yourself!”
33. Trust
“Do you dare to trust the world? It starts with having the courage to trust yourself.”
Hi, I’m Stella — Storyteller, Alchemist and Lightworker! Follow me for more content about purpose, leadership, authenticity, self-growth and navigating your spiritual awakening.