30 Brands That Are Destroying Your Health
What you consume can either empower you, or defeat you

What we consume is our fuel for the day.
When we consume junk food, we slowly but surely damage our body.
When we consume food that isn’t healthy for us for long periods of time, we create chronic health conditions that require years to heal.
Here are the 7 key reasons your gut health might be suffering:
- Sugar
- Salt
- Spicy food
- Fried food
- Highly processed food
- Foods with heavy metals
- Alcohol
The gut is often labeled as our second brain.
When our gut health is affected, our overall health is affected.
These 30 brands are not only unhealthy, but they are highly addictive and that’s what makes it so easy for customers to keep on choosing them.
Some of these brands are quite cheap too.
In today’s world where the economy is constantly raising the prices of healthy living — CHEAP INSTANT GRATIFICATION is a no-brainer of a choice, it’s quite the deal actually — but at what cost?!
Here are the top 10 brands that are destroying your health:
1. McDonald’s
Many menu items of McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants have a high amount of fat. The excessive use of these food items can cause obesity, liver failure, and other severe health disorders. (Source)
Fries are treated with a “dextrose solution” and other ingredients to prevent the fries from “graying.” Eating ultra-processed foods (with long lists of additives) such as fast food have been linked to overeating and a higher risk of obesity and other chronic diseases. (Source)
Additionally, McDonald’s fries have “natural beef flavor”: people on a vegetarian or vegan diet and anyone with allergies to milk or wheat should avoid McDonald’s fries, due to the addition of beef flavoring containing milk and wheat ingredients. (Source)
McDonald’s most famous burger Big Mac contains so many calories and fats that it can take 3 days for the human body to completely digest it. (Source)
2. Coca Cola
As one of the unhealthiest liquid junk foods you can consume due to its high fructose content, sugar-sweetened soda has been linked to insulin resistance, belly fat and an increased risk of heart disease. (Source)
Sodas and sugary drinks damage your teeth and lead to cavity formation. Certain studies have shown that cola drinks can weaken your bones. (Source)
Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda contribute to the diabetes epidemic. (Source)
3. KFC
You may think that chicken is healthy, but once you have battered and fried it, whatever health benefit you may have gained will be canceled out. (Source)
Researchers have proved that the grilled chicken of KFC, McDonald’s, and other fast food stores have loads of sodium. The excessive intake of sodium causes breast cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, and other health complications. (Source)
What’s more, studies reveal that at most of its branches, expired or unhealthy oil is used for frying. Most of its eatables have high amounts of Sodium Bicarbonate, Monocalcium Phosphates, Monosodium Glutamate, and other components. When you consume these food items, you can suffer from infertility, and other serious disorders. (Source)
In 2020, KFC admitted that a third of its chickens suffered from a painful inflammation, but did anyone think about the consequences of this inflammation for the humans – the consumers of the brand? Every animal disease is treated with chemicals that leave a trace behind, even after the meat has been cooked, which are are then ingested by the customers. It raises the question, what are we actually being served and eating from most fast food chains?! (Source)
4. Burger King
In 2021, Burger King permanently banned 120 artificial ingredients from its menus nationwide, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the food’s all healthy today — it just shows how unhealthy it was before the ban! (Source)
Burger King might be slightly healthier than McDonald’s and KFC, but it is still highly processed and packed with with saturated fat, sugar, salt, sodium and extra calories that are harmful to the human body both short-term and long-term.
Nutritionist Serena Poon reviewed the menu at Burger King: “Eating a diet that is high in saturated fat can cause high cholesterol, which can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Eating a diet that is high in sodium can lead to bloating, high blood pressure, and again increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.” (Source)
Nutritionist Serena Poon also said, “The ingredients in fast food meals tend to be processed, which can be disruptive to your gut health. A healthy microbiome is crucial to the health of your digestion, immune system, adrenals, and even mental health.” (Source)
5. RedBull
Energy drinks can lead to issues with heart health, increase weight, and put you at higher risk for diabetes. Due to the caffeine in energy drinks, they can also lead to dehydration. (Source)
Sugar and artificial sweeteners contribute to the high calorie and carbohydrate content of the drink, which can lead to weight gain and metabolic issues. Additionally, the various stimulants such as taurine and guarana can have potential negative effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. (Source)
The acidity of energy drinks is potentially harmful to bone, muscle, and brain health. Energy drinks are also extremely addictive, causing you to depend on them to boost your energy. (Source)
A study noted that energy drinks are also twice as harmful to tooth enamel than soft drinks. (Source)
Last but not least, when combined with alcohol, energy drinks can alter your intoxication levels, making you feel less intoxicated and energized while still experiencing signs of alcohol impairment, like slurred speech, poor coordination, and memory impairment. (Source)
6. Monster
Red Bull contains caffeine, taurine, B vitamins, and sugar — all of which may provide a short-term energy boost.
Monster contains these ingredients as well but adds guarana, ginseng root, and L-carnitine, which may also increase energy levels.
And considering Monster comes in a bigger size than Redbull, some might say it’s even worse for your health! (Source)
Excessive sugar intake can cause inflammation, which has been linked to a number of chronic conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. (Source)
7. Subway
Did you know that once upon a time researchers discovered that one of the ingredients in Subway’s bread was also found in yoga mats? The chemical in question is called azodicarbonamide and it’s usually included in products to help strengthen the dough. (Source)
Further research shows that Subway is almost as bad for your health as McDonalds due to its high calories count! (Source)
One of the trademarks of the brand and the key strategy to keep you hooked is the smell: the smell of fresh bread. But how fresh are the vegetables used to feed hungry customers, when some branches get deliveries once a week? (Source)
What’s the surprising plot twist? In 2022, the Subway bread was classified as cake due to sugar content. No wonder it’s so addictive! (Source)
8. M&M
M&Ms are basically sugar and food dye. The sugar is mostly found in chocolate, although the candies also have added sugar and corn syrup. There’s not much fiber to speak of in M&Ms, so their sugar hits your system quickly. It’s broken down in the blood, giving you a quick boost followed by a crash. (Source)
Eating M&M can do damage to your dental health, and increase your chances of developing chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension. (Source)
Coated candy contains artificial flavors, corn syrup, red 40, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow 6. These dyes have been found to be contaminated with carcinogens, such as benzidine. Food colorings have been linked to several health issues, including allergies and hyperactivity in children. (Source)
Studies on the Blue and Yellow dye in M&Ms have shown some really alarming results over the years. The worst one? Testing done on lab animals showed cancer and severe mutations in 6 out of 11 tests. (Source)
9. Juice (All Brands)
One of the main reasons some people consider fruit juice as unhealthy as sugary soda is the sugar content of these beverages. Research consistently shows a link between sugary drinks and a higher risk of illness, such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and heart disease, as well as a higher risk of premature death. (Source)
Juice is still not as bad as soda drinks: Fruit juice and soda contain similar amounts of sugar. Still, soda is likely harmful to your health, regardless of the amount you consume, whereas fruit juice may only increase your risk of disease when drunk in large amounts. (Source)
But if you really want to get the healthy benefits from fruits, eat them fresh!
10. Alcohol (All Brands)
Alcoholic beverages are an absolute waste when it comes to providing nutrition. The calories found in alcohol are empty calories, which the body cannot use for producing energy. Your liver is forced to break down the alcohol into fatty acids, which get accumulated in the liver. Excessive exposure to alcohol causes the death of liver and brain cells. (Source)
Alcohol can damage your brain. Brain damage affects your: behaviour, memory, ability to learn. (Source)
Alcohol is the second biggest risk for cancer after smoking. (Source)
Long-term drinking can cause infertility in men and women. Men can also become impotent. (Source)
Alcohol dehydrates your body and skin. It also widens blood vessels, causing your skin to look red or blotchy. Alcohol dehydrates your body and skin. It also widens blood vessels, causing your skin to look red or blotchy. (Source)
Alcohol is linked to mental health problems including: depression, anxiety, risk-taking behaviour, personality disorders, schizophrenia, suicide. (Source)
Drinking too much can disrupt normal sleeping patterns and cause insomnia and lack of restful sleep. This in turn can make you feel stressed and anxious. (Source)
Beer, in particular, has been linked to arthritis and it can have inflammatory side effects like joint aches and swelling. (Source)
CHEAP INSTANT GRATIFICATION is a no-brainer of a choice, it’s quite the deal actually!
Here are the rest of the brands:
11. KitKat
KitKat chocolate is high in sugar, which is one of the main reasons it’s not good for your health. It can cause tooth decay, sensitivity, pain, or other dental issues. (Source)
Because the Kit Kat bar contains milk products, individuals that are lactose intolerant may experience flatulence and general gastrointestinal upset. The wheat flour may also cause GI upset in individuals that have gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance. (Source)
12. Dunkin Donuts
Frequent consumption of refined grains has been linked to some of the same health problems as fructose, including inflammation, insulin resistance and obesity, Source)
13. Starbucks
Sweetened coffee drinks should be considered a liquid form of junk food. (Source)
Flavorings often contain compounds and chemicals that can have adverse effects some are linked to cancers, while others can even damage your DNA. (Source)
14. Domino’s
The whole concept of Domino’s has been that they can get you a cheap meal in 30 minutes or less. No one seemed to care how it tasted or if it was good for you. (Source)
Pizza tends to have hefty amounts of artery-clogging saturated fat from the cheese and processed meat, which can increase your risk for heart disease. (Source)
If you’re eating pizza regularly and filling up on refined grains, you’re likely not getting the recommended amount of whole grains in your diet. Getting enough fiber in your diet helps maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract and has other benefits such as helping to lower the risk for colon cancer and helping to reduce high cholesterol. (Source)
Piling your pizza with high-fat processed meats like pepperoni, bacon, and sausage, can increase the risk for certain forms of cancer, especially if you eat pizza often. (Source)
Moderation is key!
The toppings on your pizza are frequently the deciding factor in whether your pizza is healthy. Additional toppings on any pizza will increase the levels of fat, cholesterol, sodium and the overall calories count. (Source)
Gluten is another element in conventional pizza that is harmful to the body. Celiac disease, an autoimmune illness concentrating on the gut, has a negative impact on how the body receives and processes food. Other non-celiac gluten sensitivities may still develop, and severe examples may include IBS and fibromyalgia. (Source)
The same facts can be said about Papa John’s and Pizza Hut.
15. Heinz
The Heinz ketchup contains more sugar than it does tomatoes. (Source)
Too much sugar makes Heinz snack food unhealthy for little children. (Source)
The question is how healthy are actually the canned products from Heinz, or are they high in sugar too?
16. Kellogg
The Kellogg cereals are mostly made up of sugar and corn syrup, which do not make them a nutritious addition to your lifestyle, especially as a breakfast meal. (Source)
Since cereals are packed with sugar, this increases the risk of tooth decay and weight grain. (Source)
Kellogg is not the only cereal brand that’s high in sugar and therefore damaging the health of both developing children and adults!
17. Tim Horton
Twelve major companies — including the multinational that owns Tim Hortons — have been added to the toxic chemical “Hall of Shame” for failing to adequately address some of the harmful substances found in their products. (Source)
18. Doritos
The first ingredient on Doritos list is corn, but it’s actually genetically modified corn. GMOs have been linked to increasing allergies and inflammation, as well as disorders affecting the digestive and reproductive systems. (Source)
Doritos gets its classic orange shade from a slew of hydrogenated oils and dyes including Yellow #5, Yellow # 6, and Red #40, which can each be harmful to your body. These dyes are made from petroleum and are considered toxic. For example, long-term side effects of eating Red #40 can include immune disorders, A.D.D. and A.D.H.D., especially in children. (Source)
Doritos are fried in vegetable oils that have been processed and can lead to an increase of free radicals in the body. They’re also genetically modified and loaded with trans fats, which can cause inflammation, compromised immunity, increased circulation of bad estrogen, and a lack of nutrients. (Source)
19. Cheetos
High fat, processed, foods like Cheetos contribute to a less-than-healthy lifestyle, and including them in your diet will raise your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and certain cancers. Cheetos might have the fake-cheese taste you crave, but they are an unhealthy and unnatural snack. (Source)
Most of the chips’ 43 ingredients are additives and THHQ is “a preservative that has been shown to be toxic”. (Source)
The high fat and sodium content are another troubling aspects of Cheetos. (Source)
20. Taco Bell
Taco Bell makes their tacos and burritos taste irresistible thanks to high levels of sodium, fat, and even sugar in certain foods. When taken to the extreme, these added ingredients can do some punishing damage to your body. (Source)
Here are some of the side effects:
“Nitrates in preserved meats and cheeses worsen depression. A fast-food diet is one that contains processed and ultra-processed ingredients, usually processed vegetable oils, added sodium, added sugars as well as food colorants, dyes, fillers, and preservatives. These are all substances that are pro-inflammatory to the brain and body.
Poor food choices feed the bad bugs in our gut, helping them thrive and take over the good bugs (meant to help and protect us).
Over time, the bad bugs cause inflammation, which can lead to leaky gut and neuroinflammation (brain). When this develops, it causes new mental health problems or exacerbates mental health symptoms you may already be struggling with,” says Nutritional Psychiatrist Dr. Uma Naidoo. (Source)
“With a diet high in unhealthy trans fats, added sugars, and processed foods, the brain struggles to think clearly,” adds Dr Naidoo, author of This Is Your Brain on Food. (Source)
In the words of Dr. Lisa Young, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim: “Many of the food items at Taco Bell are oversized and also fried, cheesy, or contain beef. This combo is full of too many calories as well as saturated fat which, if consumed regularly over time, can lead to obesity and heart disease. A diet high in saturated fat can increase unhealthy LDL cholesterol, thereby clogging the arteries which contribute to heart disease.” (Source)
21. Five Guys
While the burger meat at Five Guys isn’t as bad as the one in other fast food chains, “almost every topping, from BBQ sauce to ketchup, relish, and the sautéed mushrooms, contain high fructose corn syrup,” says Amy Shapiro, Founder of Real Nutrition. (Source)
“Remember, saturated fat is the type of fat that clogs our arteries and increases cholesterol,” Shapiro adds. (Source)
Also a large fry order at Five Guys contains a whopping 1,314 calories. That’s more than half the average recommended amount for a pretty active adult man for the entire day. To put it in perspective, that’s as many calories as a Five Guys hamburger patty, bun and milkshake combined. (Source)
I’d argue that the soda drinks coupled with the fried food makes this an explosive combination for the body!
22. Pepsi
Sugary beverages like soda are linked to a long list of adverse health effects, starting with obesity, poor blood sugar control and diabetes. Recent studies have found an association with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. Research shows that having as little as one soda per day measurably increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. (Source)
Soda does not make a person feel full in the same way that consuming the same amount of calories from solid food would. Some people may continue eating despite consuming a high-calorie drink. Additionally, sweet-tasting drinks may increase the appetite for other foods that are high in calories. (Source)
Sugary drinks are a leading cause of tooth decay. When the bacteria in the mouth break down the sugar, it produces acid, which can dissolve the surface of the tooth. The research found that both regular and low-calorie sodas that contained sweeteners had adverse effects on tooth enamel.(Source)
Diet soda is also unhealthful. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame or saccharin. The research found that both regular and low-calorie sodas that contained sweeteners had adverse effects on tooth enamel. (Source)
The sweet sugar is definitely not the reason for a failing kidney but the artificial sweeteners are. Hence consuming Diet versions of Coca Cola or Pepsi have proved to produce more impairment than the sweet versions. (Source)
Finally, a research has shown that the cans of Coke or Pepsi are coated with such chemicals that may lead to reproduction problems with regular consumption. (Source)
23. Mars
In addition to potential health issues from sugars and fats, candy bars can also have negative effects on your teeth and may lead to cavities. (Source)
The dyes that Mars use have been the subject of much controversy. They’ve been linked by some studies to hyperactivity in children. Investigations in rodents have demonstrated that they can accelerate tumor growth, disrupt the endocrine system, and increase rates of cancer. (Source)
24. Lay’s
Even the original Lay’s flavor is extremely high in fat and sodium. In just this one snack, you’d be consuming nearly a quarter of the recommended daily intake of fat! (Source)
A popular additive found in salty snacks, monosodium glutamate (or MSG), has been linked to CNS disorder, obesity, disruptions in adipose tissue physiology, hepatic damage, CRS, and reproductive malfunctions. (Source)
25. Haribo
Gummy bears are terrible for your teeth. Their gummy texture causes them to stick to your teeth, leading to tooth decay and other issues. (Source)
Also you might notice changes in your bowel movement if you include Haribo in your daily food intake often!
26. Ben & Jerry’s
One tub of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream can contain as many calories as TEN cans of Coca Cola. (Source)
The real health problem with Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is the (natural) cream, which is high in saturated fat and promotes heart disease. Eat too much ice cream and other foods that are high in saturated fat year after year and you could have a heart attack — quite naturally. (Source)
As someone who’s had lactose intolerance for a while now, nothing’s irritated it quite as much as Ben & Jerry’s ice creams!
27. Pringles
Wait… Pringles is bad for you?
Yes, Pringles are bad for you. They are loaded with artificial flavors, large amounts of sodium, and other synthetic additives that pose a variety of health hazards. (Source)
One thing to keep in mind with many flavored Pringles is the inclusion of monosodium glutamate (MSG). It’s a controversial food additive that is deemed safe by the FDA, but can cause adverse effects such as headaches and muscle tightness in some people. (Source)
The artificial flavor enhancers are now considered to be linked to a variety of health risks including fetal and child developmental concerns, hormonal imbalances, headaches, chest pains, heart palpitations, asthma attacks, and a plethora of additional negative effects. (Source)
Furthermore, one of the most harmful ingredients in potato chips is not intentional, but rather is the consequence of the processing. Acrylamide is a cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical that is created when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures- regardless of the method of cooking. Essentially, once the processed chip hits temperatures of 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the chip then is at risk of releasing harmful contaminants. (Source)
28. Oreo
With palm oil, alkali processed cocoa, and high fructose corn syrup, the Oreos should actually come with a statutory warning on the top of the cover. (Source)
When the digestive system breaks down sugar, it releases immediate energy. It gets stored as fat in the body very fast. An excess of this results in prolonged fat storage in the liver and under the skin. To an extent, this sweet component is something your body still needs to regulate blood sugar levels, but in limited amounts. A surplus of sugar in the blood is directly linked to type 2 diabetes. Your pancreas does a lot of work to release insulin which helps break down the sugar into energy. But when there is too much, this organ has to work harder, and insulin gets into your bloodstream. (Source)
Oreos basically has no nutritional value. The prime ingredients are sugar, fat, and a bunch of calories. On top of that, the constituent ratios do not make it a balanced meal either. In other words, Oreos are the ultimate definition of junk food. There is not even a single nutritious component that is good for your health. One serving has an excess amount of sodium and close to zero protein. (Source)
29. Nutella
While Nutella is advertised as a hazelnut spread, sugar is listed first on the ingredient label — because sugar is its primary ingredient, comprising 57% of its weight. (Source)
Limiting foods high in added sugar is critical for your health, writes Healthline. Consuming too much added sugar has been linked to a variety of chronic diseases and conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, cognitive decline and even some types of cancers, including esophageal cancer. (Source)
Since Nutella is sweet and creamy, it may be hard for some people to stick to the serving size, making it easy to consume an excessive number of calories from Nutella. What makes Nutella so calorie-dense is the high amount of fat it contains. After sugar, palm oil is the second most abundant ingredient in Nutella. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. (Source)
30. Kinder
In 2022, 11 mainly European countries reported salmonella food poisoning linked to the popular “Kinder” chocolate products. (Source)
The popular chocolate brand has been tested for chemicals known as mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) which emerge after the refinery of oil in foods. The MOAHs were also reportedly found in chocolates such as Ferrero and Lindt. MOAH is known to cause cancer and damage the human genome. (Source)
MOAHs can be transferred to food in a number of different ways. The main migration sources are, for example, mineral oil components from printing inks that are introduced into the packaging recycling cycle and, through transport containing recycled fiber, migrate to raw materials and foods. (Source)
The best way to think about fast food, junk food, highly processed food and artificially enhanced food is this scene from the Amazon series Upload:
I mean, if you’re ready to explore what life on Earth really is beyond the 3D programming — none of it is real. But do you really want to spend your rather short life bloated, tired, aching, exhausted, depressed?!
There’s so much more to life: but you have to make the choice to live healthier and change for the better. No one’s going to make that choice for you!
Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth.