10 Lessons from QUANTUM BODY by Deepak Chopra

Your very existence on Earth is a quantum event!

STELLA YANN | Lightworker
8 min readFeb 28, 2024
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How can we look after our health & wellbeing knowing that we are a lot more than just what’s visible to us? Let’s unlock your QUANTUM BODY remembrance and upgrade your lifestyle!

When I started this book, I knew it’s going to change my life and I was right…

QUANTUM BODY offers many ideas that can be applied to level up your own inner operational system, so that you can advance your understanding of the world and apply the knowledge into your daily habits.

One of the key themes is tapping into the Creative Intelligence that’s available to us at all times. Many refer to it as Source or the Universe!

Once you understand that you’re a Creator and that you are constantly co-creating with the Universe, you get to navigate your life path with more freedom, ease and fun.

Here’s a quick but powerful reminder from Deepak Chopra:

“Your true source — the origin of who you are — exists at the finest level of Nature, which is the quantum realm. The fact that you occupy time and space is a quantum event.”

You are always connected to your consciousness. You are your consciousness!

You wouldn’t be here on Earth without your consciousness, whether you realise it or not. The fact that you’re here is that you chose to be here and you’ve got work to do if you choose to do the inner work and remember your true self & purpose!

Watch the video — or keep reading to learn more about the 10 lessons from QUANTUM BODY by Deepak Chopra:

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1. The Biofield

Not only do you have an energetic biofield around you, but so do your cells — and every living organism on Earth.

“You are a quantum creation even if you don’t realize it, because every cell, not just brain cells, emits a self-generated electric field.”

Ever wondered why you feel better when you declutter your working space? Or clear your schedule? Or better yet, when you free your diet from fast food that’s difficult to process?

You are allowing your body to restore its natural biofield, so that you can exist in alignment with the Natural world and let go of the artificial programming that’s slowed down our collective growth and evolution.

The more “organically” or holistically that we live, the more we are able to self-heal at every level of existence!

2. Quantum Event

Your overall wellbeing is connected to your quantum body, because everything originates in the quantum realm.

“Nothing can happen to you, for good or ill, until it happens at the quantum level. […] Your wellbeing, or the lack of it, depends entirely on the quantum field.”

Your existence is a quantum event — or rather, a series of quantum events!

Once you begin to shift your attention from the 3D world to the 5D world, you’ll discover how to make better use of your energy. This in turn will help you improve your time management as well.

The quantum realm deals with energy (5D), which is one step ahead of time (4D) — yet most humans are stuck in the 3D realm, pursuing physical possessions or a sense of meaning that is based on their job title / social status / money in the bank (opposed to the values that are connected to one’s inner world).

3. Immune System

If you want to master healing yourself, you have to understand how the immune system works and its impact on our wellbeing.

The immune system helps us heal (1) diseases on a cellular level, but also (2) trauma that can be stored in our DNA.

“We get closer to infinity with the immune system. The immune system stores the knowledge of who’s a friend or foe, going back as far as your ancestral line and even earlier to the rise of hominids and the emergence of mammals.”

Your intuition is a powerful indicator that is able to guide you in life, as long as you have advanced your emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, we still don’t have much information around our emotional health, mental health and consciousness as part of the school curriculum, but here’s why it’s necessary:

“Life experiences can be genetically passed down to future generations. […] If your great-grandfather suffered through a famine, markers of that trauma were probably left in their epigene (the sheath of proteins surrounding DNA that governs genetic activity) and got passed down to their descendants.

One of the most impactful books that talk about this type of self-healing or trauma healing is The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Koolk.

4. Creative Intelligence

Some call it Source or the Universe, Deepak Chopra refers to it as the Creative Intelligence!

“You are a creator, and you are taking part in the creative experience. […] Each creature possesses its own unique concoction of creativity, consciousness and intelligence.”

As Deepak Chopra writes, evolution is a creative event and a creative choice.

Every time you choose to grow, pursue your goals, take educated risks or complete leaps of faith, you are moving in alignment with that creative intelligence, because you believe in your ability to be a creator and you activate your role as a Co-Creator with the Universe.

5. Unity Mode On

Are we made in the image of cells? Have cells been teaching us how to be better humans all this time? Maybe!

“Your cells exhibit wisdom in the following ways: They always communicate with each other. […] They cooperate for the good of the whole body. […] They know who they are.”

Your first responsibility is to discover who you are.

Your second responsibility is to share all that you are with the world — your authenticity — so that you can create positive change by being yourself.

Your third responsibility is to be of service to others and create for the good of all humanity where the collective spirit advances alongside our individual selves.

The cells are already doing it, so why can’t we?!

6. The 5 Levels of 5 Koshas

When we analyse what it means to be human, most people begin with the body and describe the experience based on the physical needs and sensations.

But there’s more to it, there are 4 more levels or koshas that Deepak Chopra writes about:

“You will discover that you exist in more than one dimension […] with 5 bodies that exist simultaneously in consciousness: physical, energetic, mental, wisdom body or body of intellect, body of bliss.”

Each level exists simultaneously as the others, even if we are not aware of it or paying attention to the separate levels.

💡 Interestingly enough, last year I channeled a message that being human happens at 4 levels: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual.

Regardless of how many levels there are, the point is we are much more than our body!

7. Infinite Timelines

You might have heard about the Multiverse or shifting timelines, watched movies about time travel or even done some time travelling by going back to your memories or visualising your future, but here’s what Deepak Chopra has to say about that:

“The journey to and from the quantum domain leads to an infinite number of transformations that occur in the mind and body […] The existence of infinite possibilities never changes”

In other words, you will shift many timelines during your lifetime, because you create a new timeline every time you make a choice — the more drastic your choices, the bigger the timeline jumps!

Everything happens simultaneously, but you cannot experience it all at the same time. That’s why the more you know who you are and what you want to accomplish (your purpose), the more consciously you begin to live and invest your energy.

We have been conditioned to believe that our desire shape our identity, but in reality it’s the other way around — we are able to reprogram our mind, shift our mindset and align with a much higher version of yourself daily (a version that’s integrated more of your Higher Self).

8. Consciousness meets the brain

Your mind is not your brain and your thoughts are not your consciousness — they are a tiny fraction of it!

“If you want to have the highest experiences in life — love, compassion, peace, creativity, insight, intelligence, empathy and inner growth — they must be found in consciousness.”

Thoughts, the logic, your analytical abilities will 100% help you make sense of the world.

But if you want to unlock ancient knowledge, your inner wisdom and intuitive guidance, you must reconnect with your Higher Self and look within to re-establish more of the connection with your consciousness.

You need to become aware of your true Self!

The more you strengthen your connection to your Higher Self and the Creative Intelligence, the more you’ll be able to invest your skills and talents into projects and pursuits that help you live more abundantly while making a positive impact in the world.

9. The Ego and the 5 Kleshas

There’s a healthy Ego and an Ego that blocks your self-growth and personal evolution.

Unfortunately, most humans haven’t learned how to develop and maintain a healthy Ego!

“The five sources of suffering are all man-made: Ignorance, Egoism, Attachment, Aversion, Fear of death.”

A healthy Ego is one that understand life is much more than your physical body and your experiences during your lifetime, yet one that is able to appreciate your life story and use it to create a testimony that inspires and empowers others.

Most people, however, tend to operate with a rather immature Ego and sense of Self that is self-limiting, so they often fall into the trap of one of the 5 kleshas described by Deepak Chopra.

10. Mindfulness: Be here now

Could raising your consciousness be as simple as practicing mindfulness? Possibly!

“Higher consciousness isn’t a goal. It is a hidden dimension […] The hidden dimension, it turns out, requires no seeking. It requires only one thing: Be here now.”

According to Deepak Chopra, every time you practice returning to the present moment, you are returning back to your Co-creating Self that trusts the Universe and remains open to receiving opportunities that cannot be predicted or imagined.

As the Bible verse goes, “Expect the unexpected!”

That just might be the key to our individual and collective ascension as we continue to invest in our self-growth, self-love and self-healing, so that we can be of service to one another in alignment with our Higher Self.

Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth. Join the book club!

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STELLA YANN | Lightworker

30-DAY SELF-GROWTH JOURNALS (www.stellayann.com/shop). Topics I cover: Authenticity, Purpose, Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, Leadership, New Earth ✨