10 Books to Read During Your Spiritual Awakening
Every book holds an important life lesson
When you go through your spiritual awakening, you begin to see the truth among the lies and illusions in today’s society.
It’s confusing, it’s exhausting, it’s liberating!
Be patient on your journey to spiritual ascension: your Higher Self picked the time for your awakening, you just need to listen to the inner guidance and follow your intuition.
Here are 10 books that are guaranteed to help you navigate better between the two worlds as you awaken to your purpose, potential and hidden gifts.
1. New Earth, Eckhart Tolle
We are all here to shape the New Earth by rising above the level of our Ego and connecting with our Higher Self.
This means doing the inner work of healing on a subconscious level and upgrading your belief system from lack mindset to growth mindset.
We cannot create positive change if we operate from a state of fear. We must first rise to acceptance, love, joy, peace and enlightenment!
2. Matrix, Val Valerian
To create positive change in the New Earth, it’s important to understand what’s going on with the current matrix… I mean, world!
The truth is all around us: in books, in movies, on the news (occasionally), and even in children’s advertising.
But our 3D programming is making it difficult to listen to our intuition, practice discernment and follow the path of authenticity.
I’ll warn you! The truth will first shock you, but it will then liberate your soul from the chains of the current fear-based programming, so that you can step into your purpose and create the life of your dreams.
There are many books in the Matrix series and each will give you unique insights as to the game… I mean, the world we’re experiencing on Earth!
3. Becoming Supernatural, Joe Dispenza
We are here not only to achieve our soul purpose, but also to learn how to work with our energetic body!
Just like we have a physical body that hosts our consciousness while we’re on Earth, we also have an energetic body that co-creates with the energy of everything that exists around us.
The more we awaken spiritually, the more we can feel the energetic shifts and become skilled Alchemists.
Alchemy is really the ability to transmute one state of energy (or emotion) into another state, look at this image again and you’ll understand:
4. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
The more you awaken to who you are and what you came here to achieve, the more you will unlock instructions from your Higher Self.
It’s a little bit like a treasure hunt, but you don’t know what you’re trying to find or how the puzzle pieces are connected until the very end of the treasure hunt 👀
The Alchemist portrays the process of re-connecting with your Higher Self: your intuition will give you clues as to the next steps. All you need to do is listen and become comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone.
The more you follow your heart, the more you will embody a Higher version of yourself: a version who’s achieved more of your potential during your lifetime on Earth.
5. Atomic Habits, James Clear
When we attempt to create conscious change in our life, it’s often after we’ve experienced extreme burnout, rock bottom of our circumstances or extreme heartbreak.
Real change happens when we say “Enough” to our current life and begin to rebuild it in a way that feels more authentic!
Atomic Habits gives you a 3-step formula on how to rebuild your life once you understand the areas of your life that require change if you wish to live in peace, joy and love.
The first step is figuring out who you have been so far and who you want to become next!
6. Effortless, Greg McKeown
All change is scary and overwhelming at first. Then it tends to become messy, full of mistakes and confusing impulses, and somewhat crazy at times. Until the transformation is completed and you can breathe with more ease!
But what if you didn’t have to hold your breath this whole time?
What if change didn’t have to be so stressful?
Effortless is a guide on how to become a change-maker that operates with ease: a change-maker who’s enlightened enough to understand how to appreciate the present moment.
The present moment is all that we have after all!
7. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
Speaking of the present moment, it’s hard not to include The Power of Now!
While this is a book for the more advanced readers, because it requires deep meditation on the words and ideas to truly embed them in your consciousness, it’s a powerful read.
It’s worth repeating: the present moment is all that we have.
Do with that information whatever you wish, but if you’re curious as to why it’s so important, you might want to check out the Monarch Mind Control Project and why we have been under a spiritual comma for generations…
With multiple mind control tactics in our current society, it’s important to learn how to GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD and STOP OVERTHINKING, so that you can BE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.
The Power of Now helps you claim back your own power!
8. Big Feelings, Liz Fosslien + Mollie West Duffy
The journey from your head to your heart is the most important trip you’re going to take in your lifetime!
The moment you become comfortable embracing your emotions is the point of liberation.
In a society that wants to lock you in your mind — overthinking to the point of stress, anxiety, burnout, depression and total desperation, the most courageous act you can take is to FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS without guilt or shame.
You are a HUMAN BEING and your emotions give you a roadmap as to what you’re doing right and which way is the right way to achieve your goals.
It’s important to remember that ALL EMOTIONS ARE OKAY: remember this image, it will help you understand your emotions better and how to ascend your consciousness faster:
9. Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Once you “unblock” your heart, you will experience both the extreme negative emotions and the extreme positive emotions. This is the point of discovery:
What makes me happy? What is it that I can do for hours in a state of complete bliss?
And that’s how you find your FLOW!
When you find your flow, you discover the blueprint to achieving your soul purpose: one goal, one project, one step at a time.
10. Heal Your Body, Louise Hay
We each have the ability to heal our minds, hearts and bodies.
We are sick because we believe in sickness, or rather, because we believe that we are sick and that there’s something wrong with us.
A lot of money is going into the production of pills and medicine (AND THE ADVERTISING OF PILLS AND MEDICINE AND QUICK FIXES) that’s actually poisoning us in order to keep us buying solutions to “get healthy again”.
Heal Your Body is one of many guides that offer insight as to what the different health conditions mean in terms of mental and emotional blockages and how to unblock them, so that we can heal ourselves.
New Earth Order 🌍
You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.
But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.
The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.
This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma — it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.
Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.
It’s time for positive change! 🦋
Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth.