10 Billionaires, 1 Thing In Common
Can you guess their superpower?
Money’s not the biggest marker for success. Money’s just one of the tools, one of the resources we can rely on — just like time and energy.
Maybe the biggest marker for success is JOY: being happy with what we’re doing and where we’re currently in life!
JOY requires real self-mastery.
But we do need money to survive and thrive in today’s society.
These 10 billionaires are not only some of the most known people globally thanks to their leadership style and the wealth they’ve generated: they also share the same superpower.
Could this superpower be the key to generating wealth? 🤔
Spoiler alert: their superpower has a direct link to JOY, especially for those who have mastered it as one of their strengths.
Here are the 10 billionaires I chose for this video and their unique life path (no, the superpower’s not hidden in their overall life path):
1. Elon Musk: Higher Education
The first billionaire on the list is Elon Musk who’s one of the most innovative people on Earth today:
- Leader with advanced empathy and intuition thanks to his Water Sun Sign (Cancer)
- Someone who’s primary objective is to create solutions and innovations (First name in the 5th house) — Tesla is a great example of this!
- Someone with advanced knowledge of the world who’s here to form new educational pathways for others (Second name in the 9th house) — SpaceX is super aligned with this objective!
- Someone who’s able to connect with others on a deeper level and increase understanding around the subconscious mind (Last name in the 4th house) — Neuralink’s doing exactly that!
2. Warren Buffett: Communication
The second billionaire on the list is Warren Buffet who’s known for his smart investments:
- Leader who’s a great manifestor thanks to having an Earth sign as a Sun sign (Virgo)
- Someone who’s primary objective is to create solutions and innovations (First name in the 5th house) — in his case, he’s using his creativity to invest in the “winning” innovative solutions!
- Someone who has advanced creativity and intuition, which allows him to invite others to use their “right brain” too and follow their passion (Second name in the 5th house) — we need inventors that investors can back up financially!
- Someone who’s here to create opportunities for resource exchange (Last name in the 2nd house) — the products in his investment portfolio are products we use on a daily basis, perhaps due to his Earthly leadership or thanks to his innovative application of creative thinking!
3. Bill Gates: Resources
Next on the list is Bill Gates who’s actual name is William Henry Gates and he’s someone who’s got many companies under his ownership:
- Leader with advanced empathy and intuition thanks to his Water Sun Sign (Cancer) — just like Elon Musk — but in his case he’s using his intuition to build partnerships with others and be more communicative and outgoing, opposed to Musk’s connection to exploring the subconscious mind and dedicating more of his time behind closed doors doing higher level intellectual research
- Someone who’s primary objective is to create solutions and innovations (First name in the 5th house) — I mean, Microsoft, Skype and Xbox are all companies that have disrupted the status quo!
- Someone who’s here to be a transformational force of change and inspire others to do the same (Second name in the 8th house) — and by all means, Bill Gates has disrupted many industries with his ideas and leadership!
- Someone who’s here to inspire and expand through forming alliances and collaboration (Last name in the 7th house) — Bill Gates is one of the biggest voices to take part in the World Economic Forum, to name one example of this objective can be interpreted!
4. Mark Zuckerberg: Transformation
The fourth billionaire is Mark Zuckerberg and it’s no surprise his path is that of transformation (although, it could have easily been the path of Communication):
- Leader who’s a great manifestor thanks to having an Earth sign as a Sun sign (Taurus) — yes, most of us have had a Facebook profile at one point in our life and that’s an example of the “grounding” effect of people with key Earth placements in their chart who are able to offer you immediate engagement with their creations!
- Someone who’s here to dive deeper into their subconscious mind and understand their own motivation (First name in the 4th house) — when you understand what makes people excited, you can create a product that keeps them excited & yes, Facebook does precisely that!
- Someone who’s here to use their advanced creative thinking to invite others to creatively express themselves too (Second name in the 5th house)— and the Meta portfolio of apps and platforms offers precisely that: fully customisable creative expression!
- Someone who’s here to be a transformational force of change or a trailblazer in their chosen path (Last name in the 8th house) — whatever Mark chooses to create, he’s going to transform people’s lives with it!
5. Richard Branson: Achievement
The fifth billionaire on the list is Richard Branson whose path means his success is guaranteed regardless of his ideas and we’ve seen this with the Virgin brand that keeps on expanding & adding more services every year:
- Leader with advanced empathy and intuition thanks to his Water Sun Sign (Cancer) — just like Elon Musk & Bill Gates — but his final name links his intuition to expanding his portfolio of resources, which is exactly what he has been doing!
- Someone who’s here to commit to lifelong learning and self-mastery and improve the world through doing that (First name in the 9th house — and yes, the Virgin brand has certainly affected positively many people’s lives!
- Someone who’s here to unlock two mastered skills, Communication and Creativity, to inspire authentic expression of ideas and encourage others to pursue their own passion (Middle names in the 3rd + 5th houses)— and the name Richard Branson 100% inspires people to innovate and focus on building their own ideas!
- Someone who’s here to develop a big portfolio of resources in order to create opportunities for resources exchange (Last name in the 2nd house) — there’s no better way to describe the Virgin brand!
6. Larry Ellison: Higher Education
Next on the list is Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle:
- Leader who leads with confidence, passion and purpose with a Fire Sun Sign (Leo) — very charismatic and persuasive leadership style
- Someone who’s here to discover and channel their most authentic self-expression during their lifetime (First name in the 3rd house)
- Someone who’s here to lead the way by empowering others as someone who’s already mastered leadership (Second name in the 1st house)
- Someone who’s here to inspire others to pursue their goals, dreams and passion by being the creative force that leads by example (Last name in the 5th house)
I have to say my understanding of Oracle is not the most advanced, but even I know it’s one of today’s wealthiest (and most trusted) empires with steady growth and looking at Larry Ellison’s profile, it’s clear he’s operating from his Fire Sun Sign (leading with passion and purpose) and he’s moving in alignment with Communication as the prime objective.
7. Bernard Arnault: Higher Education
The seventh billionaire on the list is Bernard Arnault, labeled as the King of Luxury, who’s in charge of the LVMH empire of 75 fashion and cosmetics brands:
- Leader with advanced empathy and intuition thanks to his Water Sun Sign (Pisces) — another intuitive visionary like Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Richard Branson, but his whole path is about creating the structure for resource exchange where he empowers others, which sums up the LVMH empire!
- Someone who’s here to develop their own range of resources (First name in the 2nd house)
- Someone who’s here to unlock two mastered skills, Leadership and Creativity, to lead the way by empowering others and inviting them to follow their passion and create the life of their dreams (Middle names in the 1st and 5th house) — this offers the perfect opportunity to adopt “children brands” within the “parent label” and give them the space to grow and bloom as their own authentic presence in the world & isn’t fashion one of the most creative and fluid industries?!
- Someone who’s here to inspire others through leading by example (Last name in the 1st house)
In Bernard Arnault’s case, the Higher Education path is all about exploring one’s philosophy of life and creating a lifestyle shift in the world: a lifestyle to aspire to be part of with 2 leadership markers in his name!
8. Larry Page: Self-Growth
Next on the list is Larry Page, the Co-Founder of Google — only one of the most used websites globally on a daily basis:
- Leader who leads with confidence, passion and purpose with a Fire Sun Sign (Leo) — very charismatic and approachable leadership style thanks to the Partnership element in the final name
- Someone who’s here to discover and channel their most authentic self-expression during their lifetime (First name in the 3rd house) — just like Larry Ellison, but in the Ellison profile there’s a Leadership marker which sets the tone for a more authoritative style overall
- Someone who’s here to use their advanced creative thinking to invite others to creatively express themselves too (Second name in the 5th house) — and aren’t we all using Google daily to satisfy our curiosity and research how to accomplish our own ideas
- Someone who’s here to inspire and expand through forming alliances and collaboration (Last name in the 7th house) — Google has certainly set the standard for researching brands, discovering services and companies around us or when we travel abroad, and the list goes on!
9. Oprah Winfrey: Higher Education
The next billionaire is Oprah Winfrey, one of the biggest talk show voices in the world today and she’s the only Air Sun Sign on the list — remember that the Air Signs lead with ideas and knowledge exchange?
- Leader who leads with intelligence and great communication skills with an Air Sun Sign (Aquarius) — natural born conversationalist
- Someone who’s here to commit to a lifetime of self-growth and self-reinvention (First name in the 6th house) — this would explain being attracted to the self-help type of lifestyle and leading others towards the same self-improvement path
- Someone who’s here to empower others through alliances and collaboration (Second name in the 7th house) — what better way to network with others, partner around causes and inspire community involvement than through the format of a talk show?!
- Someone who’s here to inspire others to unlock their creativity and intuition and lead their life with more passion (Last name in the 5th house)
10. George Lucas: Self-Growth
The final billionaire on the list is the most entertaining one of them all: George Lucas is one of the greatest film makers today and seeing his first name is connected to Partnerships, let me remind you that it takes a whole village to create a franchise as successful as Star Wars!
- Leader who’s a great manifestor thanks to having an Earth sign as a Sun sign (Taurus)
- Someone who’s here to establish partnerships and learn how to be part of a team in order to accomplish success (First name in the 7th house)
- Someone who’s here to invite others to develop their own ideas and explore their own creativity (Second name in the 5th house)
- Someone who’s here to invite others to express their ideas authentically by being that authentic storyteller (Last name in the 3rd house)
The Secret Superpower
Have you figured out the superpower of the most well-known billionaires?
✨ It’s creativity! ✨
Having creativity in your numerological profile signifies you’re here to change the world in some way and the more you develop your creative thinking, the higher your chances to make BIG money as you release your potential.
As the quote from ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ goes:
“Rich people are often creative and take calculated risks.”
Your Natal Birth Chart
One is not born into their purpose, one steps into their purpose.
There are many ways you can accomplish the positive change you’re here to bring, but the most important thing to remember is that every day counts and the work you do daily matters the most!
Your future depends on your actions today — on your daily actions.
The more aligned your daily actions get with your soul purpose, the bigger impact you’ll make in the world!
🎯 Here’s how you can interpret your natal birth chart
You came to Earth with a soul purpose and your soul purpose will help you create positive change. That’s how we make the world a better place: co-creating side by side, each contributing with their authentic essence, knowledge and skills!
Book a call with me if you’re ready to explore your soul purpose 👋🏻
Follow me for more tips and guidance on how to handle your spiritual awakening and continue with your self-growth.